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4 kommentarer

  1. Anonymous
    21 november 2007 @ 14:44


  2. Birgitta
    21 november 2007 @ 15:21

    Har star det ju att Sverige var oplacerat och aven Tyskland! Konstigt!Det stammer inte alls med det som ropades upp pa prisutdelningen!
    Italiensk rora?
    Ja ja, kul var det i alla fall for oss som var med!


  3. Anonymous
    21 november 2007 @ 17:17

    Hej Birgitta!

    They had to change the results because they didn’t read the rules correct.

    Rules say that in the final has to be at least two dogs from each country. Otherwise they can not place them. Sweden and Germany had only one dog in final and thats why they couldn’t be placed. Italian preciseness. 😉

    Anyway it must have been a nice trip.

    All the best
    Janne O Tosh


  4. Birgitta
    21 november 2007 @ 19:21

    I thought that was right! It felt stupid to take best teams when only one of three is in the final! Congratulation Finland, my favourites during the trials!


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